Complainant Vinay Kumar Vohra, a resident of Sector 10, Panchkula said that the accused, identified as Tarun Bansal and Naveen Garg, owners of Shri Ji Associates Pvt, in Uttam Nagar, Delhi sold him a third-floor flat of a residential plot situated in Block I, South City-2, Sohna Road, Gurugram.
“The agreement was substantiated through a collaboration agreement on September 22, 2021. The accused assured me that the property was free of debt and devoid of any extra charges. I made a payment of Rs 94 lakh through two cheques issued by Yes Bank. The duo assured to give me occupation certificate within a month, followed by the execution of the sale deed upon construction completion,” said Vohra in his complaint, adding when he visited the accused’s office and the construction site, he found the office locked and construction halted. Vohra reached out to Tarun only to get “evasive responses and even threats.”
Assistant sub-inspector Dalbir, said “Based on the complaint , an FIR was registered under relevant sections of the IPC.
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