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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How to Get PR in Australia?

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Prerequisites to meet before applying for permanent residence in Australia:

  1. Meet the Australian educational requirements: the requirements are to study in Australia for a minimum of two years and have a ‘post study’ or a ‘bridging’ visa: ‘bridging visa’.
  2. Program approved by CRICOS. The course you study must be on the CRICOS course list.
  3. You must apply for the ‘post study work’ or ‘bridging visa’ visa in the 6 months immediately after the end of your course.

Australia is known for its booming industries. Tourism, education, health services, industry, financial management and agriculture contribute to the strong Australian economy.

We have made a selection of the best courses leading to permanent residence in Australia:

(There are many more courses that can lead you to professions that appear on the Australian Immigration Demand Occupations List almost every year. Contact our expert Go Study advisors to learn more about these courses. Remember that we guarantee the lower prices on all courses.

Courses on the list are:


Many engineering graduates receive permanent residency in Australia. The list of occupations contains the major engineering specializations as they contribute enormously to the country’s industry.

Engineering Courses

Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Production Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering are at the same time the most demanded by international students and by Australian industry.
International students with professional experience related to these areas have the best chance of achieving permanent residency in Australia and faster.
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies): technology-related jobs are some of the most demanded in Australia and many jobs are offered for professionals in this area.
Take a look at these Information Technology courses that are an interesting option to get permanent residency: Programming and Application Software, Computer Networks and Systems, Web Development, ICT Sector and Systems Analysis are some of them.


Tourism is a thriving industry in Australia that encourages these ancillary professions to run hospitality businesses and ensures that there is a wide range of cuisine from around the world.
Australia occupies a strategic place in the world kitchen industry, thanks to the multiculturalism of its society, which reflects the influence of the kitchens of many countries.

These are some of the courses that can lead you to become: Accommodation and Hospitality Manager, Chef, Baker, Club Manager, Hotel Agent, Restaurant or Cafe Manager, Hotel Manager or Camping Manager, among others.

NURSING : Health services are highly recognized in Australia. In fact, Australian healthcare infrastructures are among the best in the world.
Australian educational institutions and universities offer Nursing courses with very comprehensive syllabi and highly trained teachers to teach Nursing staff in the healthcare field. Registered nurses are in high demand and appear on the Occupation List every year.

International students can choose from several Nursing courses available in Australia in the following specialties: Medical-Surgical Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Practicing Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Emergency and Intensive Care Nursing, Family and Community Nursing, Developmental Disability Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Rehabilitation and Disability Nursing, Obstetric-Gynecological Nursing, and General Medicine Nursing.

COMMERCE : With a job in commerce, it is easy for you to qualify for permanent residence in Australia.
The Australian Trade Recognition of Australia (TRA) office is a government department tasked with compiling the list of in-demand skills for trade workers locally and internationally. Specific training (such as a Diploma or a Certificate III / IV or a Bachelor Degree) as well as a positive qualification awarded by the TRA office is required for jobs in Commerce. This qualification can be the ticket to becoming a permanent resident in Australia.

MEDICINE: the Australian health system always needs professionals in this field. For this reason, striving for a degree in Medicine will always pay off. Both economically and in terms of permanent residence in Australia, this profession is extremely attractive.

Medical professionals specializing in Radiology, Urology, Physiotherapy, Ophthalmology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dermatology, Medical Imaging, Research and Development, Psychiatry, Oncology, Nursing and General Medicine some of the most sought professions.

EDUCATION: The Australian education system is world renowned. To maintain that high standard of quality, Australia invests heavily in education.

International students intending to obtain permanent residence in Australia after their studies can choose a course in Education.
You can look for a course that will lead you to one of these professions: Vocational Education Teacher, English as a Foreign Language Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Primary and Secondary Teacher, Speech Therapy and Audiology and University Teacher.

ACCOUNTING: Accounting-related professions always have a place on the list of professions in demand. The Australian industry requires specialized professionals in different fields such as Account Management, Tax Accounting or General Accounting.
Corporate Treasurer and External Auditor are some of the positions a student can apply for after their studies.

SOCIAL WORK: Social Work courses are gaining popularity and students are more interested in them in order to work with people in need. The courses that are oriented in this line are: Psychology or Health and Social Services, etc.

RIGHT: Australian law attracts many talented students from all corners of the world. Legal professionals such as Lawyer or Solicitor have a high probability of obtaining permanent residence in Australia.
Other courses such as Property Law, Business Sciences, Alternative Medicines, Mathematics, Statistics, Cartography and the like can also lead to permanent residence in Australia.

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